Avis i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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46, Klimentská, 110 02, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 221 851 225
internet side: www.avis.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.0922887, Longitude: 14.4336306

kommentar 5

  • יעל מאירי

    יעל מאירי


    Good & fast service

  • en

    Robert Steagall


    Not the companies finest moment. Although they acknowledged that we had a reservation, they had no car for us and we had to wait until they brought one from the airport. We had to wait for almost an hour, and as their lobby is small and has little seating, that meant standing in the street. Once arrived, the car was fine. As the reservation was made months ahead of time, they should have been prepared. Not very professional. Do not recommend this location.

  • Efrat Rivlis - Ben Yaakov

    Efrat Rivlis - Ben Yaakov


    High price, compared to car rental prices in Prague

  • Lucas Lancaster

    Lucas Lancaster


    This place was terrible. We rented a car to take to visit Cesky Krumlov. When heading back, the car started to make some funny sounds and began stalling. We called Avis numerous times to find out what to do, and got no answer. After spending hours trying to get this piece of junk started again and back on the road to be returned, we made it to the rental location. Upon arriving, the guy working the counter was a total jerk. He initially ignored me as I knocked on the door to get in and return the car. We told him about the car issues, and expressed our frustration that they never answered and we were left having no idea what to do. His response was "well, you're returning the car 30 minutes late, so I guess I won't charge you for another day." As if that was an option... He might want to be lucky that I pre-paid for the car, otherwise I wouldn't of paid a dime.

  • Matthew Culver

    Matthew Culver


    Seemed fine.

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