Autokemp Olešná i Frýdek-Místek

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietAutokemp Olešná



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Nad přehradou, 738 01, Frýdek-Místek, Frýdek-Místek, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 602 238 823
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.664515, Longitude: 18.311473

kommentar 5

  • Raimo Lukkarinen

    Raimo Lukkarinen


    Nice place but close until 01.06.2018

  • en

    Jiri Rakus


    Je to tu super

  • en

    Jiri Pokluda


    Not very big bud not crowded. More expensive on weekends.

  • Aleksander Gielnicki

    Aleksander Gielnicki


    Cool little place, good amenities, great surroundings.

  • en

    Tom K


    Sorry that it is not possible to rate with zero points. Showers are very bad, because you have to for the time water is on, bit you can not interrupt the time. It is also not possible to regulate the temperature, so for some people it is to cold. Also the toilets were not in a good condition. The way arround the sea goes through the camping site, so everybody can go in without any controll. In the evening somebody came to our caravan an tried to steal things, but I surprised him, when I came back from (the bad) showers. I have never seen the nightwatcher which was promised on the internet. We left the place because of the attemped theft, because my family did not feel save under this conditions and there was no repayment for the days we didn't stay there and nobody was interrested that there was somebody on the place who tried to steal things. We will never come back. Perhaps Frenštát would have been a better choice.

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