Art Nouveau Palace Hotel Prague i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietArt Nouveau Palace Hotel Prague


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12, Panská, 111 21, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 224 093 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0840426, Longitude: 14.4276962

kommentar 5

  • Emma Rees

    Emma Rees


    Fantasic hotel, really friendly staff, had a huge bed, really well situated, really good price

  • en

    Robert AItken


    Excellent hotel spotless and close enough to the city centre. We got the hotel to arrange transport from airport to hotel and it was 1st class service. Chauffeur driven Mercedes-Benz blacked out windows. I definitely recommend this hotel and service. 10/10

  • en

    Sebastian Lutz


    The hotel features an underground parking lot, which is a little hard to find. But all the employees are very friendly and helped us out whenever we had a question. The room was quite big and very clean, and especially the bathroom was very fancy and impressive. The included breakfast buffet featured a wide range of options, including eggs, sausages, bread, ham, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables, yoghurt and a variety of juices, teas and coffees. The location was also very central, in 5 to 10 minutes walking range of the old town. For the price a very good accomodation for two.

  • Veronica Scoot

    Veronica Scoot


    Excellent service, friendly staff and beautifully appointed rooms. The trams run on the adjacent street making getting around simple, or you can walk as the hotel is easy walking distance from the centre main square and shopping districts. Breakfast is included in the room hire and is a delicious buffet with a wide variety of hot and cold, and sweet and savoury choices.

  • Danielle Tiby

    Danielle Tiby


    This was the most price worthy hotel in the city center. Just 8 min walk from the old town, beside the shopping streets and close by many main attractions. Great service. Very tidy. Great breakfast with variety of choice if you need non dairy, diabetic or gluten free food. Friendly and helpful staff. Spacious rooms with a luxury atmosphere. Building from 1900. Bed was to firm for my liking but still a great hotel.

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