Wellness & Restaurant U Fandy i Lhotka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietWellness & Restaurant U Fandy



🕗 åbningstider

Lhotka 180, 739 47 Lhotka, Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 733 644 655
internet side: www.u-fandy.cz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.5983815, Longitude: 18.2987991

kommentar 5

  • Tereza Rozumková

    Tereza Rozumková


    Came here to have a nice afternoon of bowling with my family. The pavement in front of the restaurant was completely frozen and not taken care of (quite dangerous as it was easy to slip on). We waited for two small pizzas for 2 hours, the bowling floor was crooked, the service was incompetent and disorganised, ordered two ‘Vinea’ drinks which they forgot about, and received the two pizzas completely cold, for which we have been told they were out of the oven for only 3 minutes (therefore lied to by the waitress). When we let the waitress know about the cold pizza and forgotten drinks, she turned very arogant and defensive. We have not received any compensation for the horrible service. Not a pleasant experience.

  • Jan Lekač

    Jan Lekač


    Super misto, Bowling, bazen, sauna

  • en

    Lukasz Janiec


    Great vacation place. Recommend to everyone loving good beer, food and nature.

  • Radek Onger

    Radek Onger



  • Jaroslav Dolezan

    Jaroslav Dolezan


    Good offer for guests, enjoy this place..

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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