Sea World i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietSea World



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Výstaviště, 170 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 736 649 558
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.105631, Longitude: 14.4317758

kommentar 5

  • en

    UD Kap


    As aquaria go, this is a rather small place. It has a nice collection of fish and other marine life, but everything is on a small scale. Sadly, almost all the information was in Czech. On one of the rare screens that had English information, it was flashed for very brief periods of time.The tickets were rather expensive, especially given the size of the place, and the air in the place was very warm and-- inevitably- humid. One can cover most of the displays in about 1-1.5 hours. It is best suited for very young children.

  • en

    Jørgen Schmidt


    Det var som å gå inn i en fiskebutikk! Waste of money, all you see is small tanks filled with Nemo fish, and some small sharks! Dont recomend this place to anyone!!

  • György Portik

    György Portik


    Overpriced and not many to see. It is very small , with almost no visitors at the time we went there. My daughter enjoyed it, this is the only reason I give 3 stars.

  • en

    Paula Rabl


    It's very small. The enclosures for the bigger animals are also to small for them, it's sad. It does show information about the animals and informative videos. It's good for a small visit with kids.You can feed some of the fish.

  • Tamás Nagy

    Tamás Nagy


    Very poor condition of the fish an the tanks as well. Never ever visit this place. Also the diversity if fish are very poor. Max 10-15 spiecies in all the tanks. Same fish are in many of the tanks. Tanks are not cleaned, lighting is poor. Fish and coral life is sick, suffering and dying.

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