Prague Central Camp i Hlavní město Praha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietPrague Central Camp



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2667/17, Nad Ohradou, 130 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 776 308 770
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0920777, Longitude: 14.4732316

kommentar 5

  • Tomáš Marný

    Tomáš Marný


    Czech classic staropramen beer, big garden used to be footbal ground, there is playground. Sometimes there play live bands.

  • Marek Duda

    Marek Duda


    Nice camping for staying in Praga if you have a tent. It is quite cheap and has very good location. Near by are shops and sport fields.

  • Hal Halladay

    Hal Halladay


    Central Camp is a great location for a city camp. You can get to a bus that takes you to the city center with a short walk. It is adjacent to a nice park and sports facility. Staff was very friendly and helpful. Facilities were mediocre, Bathrooms and showers not that clean. There is a restaurant and it was packed with locals. People were hanging out there until midnight on a Wednesday night.

  • Tomas Janecek

    Tomas Janecek


    Lovely place, but loose pitbull on playground makes it 1 star;)

  • Lucie Hamplova

    Lucie Hamplova


    The place change the owner in 2017. There is nothing left from "hippie" place full of nature with a spirit. It is completely different place. Check pictures from 2017 and later to make your own opinion. Now it's more like a pub/bar with a camp space.

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