Laundry Prague 4 - Hopra i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietLaundry Prague 4 - Hopra



🕗 åbningstider

75, Sinkulova, 140 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechy
kontakter telefon: +420 261 215 604
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0581329, Longitude: 14.4293775

kommentar 5

  • Arak Rachael

    Arak Rachael


    Complete dirt, it has nothing to do with the pictures, they are also worthless haters, they tried to bill me +20 CZK, because those who look good must be hated, they said!

  • en



    Fast service. Not so expensive but no english

  • en

    Andrew Jagels


    Good value service. The staff speak only Czech but will help with managing the machines. Once wash has started you can leave for an hour and your clothes will be dried and draped over a basket when you return. 150 crowns for wash, dry and detergent. There is a nice cafe a couple of doors down (Cafe pane na 77) open from mid morning where you can have coffee, wine, and light Italian style food while you wait.

  • en

    Lasse Mäkinen


    Exellent and affordable service, Even tough the staff does not speak english or german we managed to get our Landry cleaned.

  • Vincent Vong

    Vincent Vong


    After searching the city for a self service laundry spot we found this small place. You can do the laundry yourself or they can do the laundry for you at a very reasonable price and very quickly too which is overall better than doing it yourself. They were able to do our laundry within 2 hours and able to provide detergent and dryer sheets. They don't speak English but most things are pretty self explanatory.

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