Hot Peppers i Hlavní město Praha

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TjekkietHot Peppers



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21, Václavské náměstí, 110 00, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 724 134 011
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0822867, Longitude: 14.426765

kommentar 5

  • en

    Philippe Bruno


    The club is small, the old waitresses are aggressive and ask for tips or drinks. Some czech women are like romanian-gypsies and want a lot of money from tourists. I suggest to the owner to keep only young waitresses of 25 years old maximum and the same for the dancers.

  • World Student

    World Student


    This club is absolutely amazing! Free entry but you have to buy a drink, of course. The cheapest drink is 90 kč beer so it's not too bad. The performances are fairly good, but one dancer, Anna, is the best dancer I've ever seen. My mouth hung open during her entire performance! Instagram @anna_nikulina_cz ❤❤❤ We tipped her a bunch and were able to take photos with her at their "red carpet". On that topic, no body else was tipping on stage other than us. Of course you don't tip coins so the least expensive tip is 100kč, but even so, no one was tipping. Their menu of services started at 1000 kč for a lap dance and Anna didn't even do those. So she deserved stage tips and she got them from us! There was also a stage performance with bdsm girls and they whipped me in the ass with a belt, so i had a fantastic time, and you should go!!

  • Christoffer Engevik

    Christoffer Engevik


    Big plus for free entrance, 4€ beer and chill atmosphere. BUT. Some waitresses were extremeley rude with people and the shows were kind of unproffessional. With the girls talking to eachother AND with other girls outside the stage, during the show.

  • en

    shona maheshwari


    First of all I will say... hats off to you ladies, in my perception this is the most difficult job in the world. Even though we were there for a very short time, this club was perfect and very professional. All the girls wearing a smile on their faces which was actually amazing. Will definitely recommend to visit this place when you are in Prague.

  • en

    Kağan Kartal


    I lost my wallet there and barthenders are so great that helped me to find it. In this kind of places that its impossible to find your wallet. Girls are great but mostly i recommend lap dance. Place is safe. But dont forget the rule : even you tip or drink so much if you wanna stay there you must continue drinking ( i mean just bartenders made pressure and its their work )

nærmeste Natklub

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