Bauhaus i Jihomoravský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, Strážní, 639 00, Brno-město, Jihomoravský kraj, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 538 725 011
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.1770559, Longitude: 16.6013992

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zdenek Dvorak


    Vse super ochota na 1

  • en



    Great staff and nice place for a rainy DIY day. The have mist things you need and many things you want 😉

  • Yan David Vargas

    Yan David Vargas


    Quite an impressive assortment of items under a single roof but still lagging in customer service. It is a sort of Home Depot type of store. In there you'll construction materials, tools, gardening supplies, and so on. Customer service is not that great however they are getting a bit better, as long as you speak Czech language and you manage to ask a lit of questions. There's really very few people who can speak English and their explanations are vague and confusing. Too many questions and they will start to feel uncomfortable. If you need installers, they can arrange it but it may take several weeks for them to show up at your place, so you may end up going the DIY way if you want it to get it done soon. I find that many customer reps lack common sense and, as a result, advice provided is not that great. In sum, Bauhaus has to do a big job at catching up with customer service and satisfaction.

  • Adam Forney

    Adam Forney


    Good selection and service. Cheap and easy equipment rental. I usually have better luck finding what I need here than at Hornbach just down the street.

  • en

    Jakub Musil


    Its not perfect, some prices are ok some slightly overpriced but generally they are what youd expect. Sortiment is reasonably wide.

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