America „Pod Věží“ i Mladá Boleslav

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TjekkietAmerica „Pod Věží“



🕗 åbningstider

61, Komenského náměstí, 293 01, Mladá Boleslav, Mladá Boleslav, CZ Czechia
kontakter telefon: +420 326 322 007
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.4124349, Longitude: 14.90339

kommentar 5

  • Filip Letocha

    Filip Letocha


    Udělat průměrný burger je docela jednoduché, udělat skvělý je dost náročné, tohle byl spíše průměr. Hranolky ale dobré. Plusove body za prostředí a moc pěkné a vybavené toalety. Dal bych 3,5, což bohužel nejde. Tak 4 jako motivaci pro zlepšení.

  • en

    Michal D


    Super valentyn

  • en

    Lawrence Kwolek


    My girls and I have eaten here several times and we’ve been consistently satisfied. Great place for a high quality, serious burger. The restaurant can compete favorably with any burger place in Prague and the prices are better too. French-fries are from fresh, not frozen potatoes, as they should be. Rolls were properly toasted and stiff enough to hold the huge pile of lettuce, caramelized onions, cheese, tomato slice, pickle slices, good mayo and a home mixed ketchup/ bbq sauce. There are other things on the menu like some “Mexican” choices, but my experience in CR is that is rarer than a mixed marriage at a republican convention to find good Mexican food in any restaurant that doesn’t serve only Mexican. It’s in a cellar and has three divided rooms that lend themselves to smaller parties and gatherings. Nice atmosphere. On two occasions we brought our rather large Rhodesian Ridgeback along for company. To our great happiness the waitress was very cool about having a 54 kilo dog at our feet and even brought her a bowl of water.

  • Milos Liba

    Milos Liba


    super burgry

  • Michal Cermak

    Michal Cermak


    Super burger, mila obsluha... teraz sa to vola Bejzment..

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